Hickmott, A.J., K.J. Boose, M.L. Wakefield, C.M. Brand, J.J. Snodgrass, N. Ting, F.J. White. A comparison of faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentration and gut microbiota diversity in bonobos (Pan paniscus). Microbiology. 168(8): 001226. [download]
Ruiz-López, M.J., A.J. Hitchcock, N.D. Simons, J. McCarter, C.A. Chapman, D. Sarkar, P. Omeja, T.L. Goldberg, N. Ting. Genetics and community-based can guide conservation of forest fragments for endangered primates. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 20(2):177-183. [download]
Marsh, C. et al. (153 co-authors). Expert range maps of global mammal distributions harmonized to three taxonomic authorities. Journal of Biogeography. 49(5): 979-992. [download]
Wikberg, E.C., E.A. Kelley, R.W. Sussman, N. Ting. The African colobines: Behavioral flexibility and conservation in a changing world. In R.W. Sussman, D. Hart, and I.C. Colquhoun (eds.) The Natural History of Primates: A Systematic Survey of Ecology and Behavior. Rowan and Littlefield.
Linder, J.M., D.T. Cronin, N. Ting, E.E. Abwe, T.R.B. Davenport, K.M. Detwiler, G. Galat, A. Galat-Luong, J.A. Hart, R.A. Ikemeh, S.M. Kivai, I. Koné, D. Kujirakwinja, F. Maisels, W.S. McGraw, J.F. Oates, T.T. Struhsaker. Red Colobus (Piliocolobus) Conservation Action Plan 2021-2026. Gland, Switzerland. International Union for the Conservation of Nature. [download]
Tavalire, H.F., D.M. Christie, L.D. Leve, N. Ting, W.A. Cresko, B.J.M. Bohannan. Shared environment and genetics shape the gut microbiome after infant adoption. mBio. 12(2): e00548-21. [download]
Brand, C.M., M.B. Johnson, L.D. Parker, J.E. Maldonado, L. Korte, H. Vanthomme, A. Alonso, M.J. Ruiz-Lopez, C.P. Wells, N. Ting. Abundance, density, and social structure of African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) in a human-modified landscape in southwestern Gabon. PLOS ONE, 15(4): e0231832. Press Release / [download]
Wikberg, E.C., D.M. Christie, P. Sicotte, N. Ting. Interactions between social groups of colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus) explain similarities in their gut microbiomes. Animal Behavior, 163: 17-31. [download]
Aunin, E., U. Boehme, T. Sanderson, N.D. Simons, T.L. Goldberg, N. Ting, C.A. Chapman, C.I. Newbold, M. Berriman, A.J. Reid. Genomic and transcriptomic evidence for descent from Plasmodium and loss of blood schizogony in Hepatocystis parasites from naturally infected red colobus monkeys. PLoS Pathogens. 16(8): e1008717. [download]
Goodfellow, C.K, Wikberg, E.C, Christie, D.M., Sicotte, P., N. Ting. Divergence in gut microbial communities mirrors social group fission event in a black-and-white-colobus monkey (Colobus vellerosus). American Journal of Primatology. e22966. [download]
Simons, N.D., G. Eick, M.J. Ruiz-Lopez, D. Hyeroba, P.A. Omeja, G. Weny, C.A. Chapman, T.L. Goldberg, H.Q. Zheng, A. Shankar, W.M. Switzer, K.N. Sterner, N. Ting. Genome-wide patterns of gene expression in a wild primate indicate species-specific mechanisms associated with tolerance to natural simian immunodeficiency virus infection. Genome Biology and Evolution. 11(6): 1630-1643. [download]
Wang, X.-P., B.K. Lim, N. Ting, J.-Y. Hu, Y.-P. Liang, L. Yu, C. Roos. Reconstructing the phylogeny of New World monkeys (Platyrrhini): evidence from multiple non-coding loci. Current Zoology. 65(5): 579-588. [download]
Ting, N. Primate Genomics. In W. Trevathan (ed.). The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. [download]
Simons ND, G Eick, MJ Ruiz-Lopez, PA Omeja, CA Chapman, TL Goldberg, N Ting, and KN Sterner. Cis-regulatory evolution in a wild primate: disease-associated genetic variation drives differential expression of MHC-DQA1 in-vitro. Molecular Ecology. 26(17): 4523-4535.[download]
Brand, C.M, F.J. White, M.T. Waller, M. L. Wakefield, M. J. Ruiz-Lopez, N. Ting. Initiation of genetic demographic monitoring of the bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Iyema, Lomako Forest, DRC. Primate Conservation. [download]
Lester, J.S., S. Paige, C.A. Chapman, M. Gibson, J.H. Jones, W.M. Switzer, N. Ting, T.L. Goldberg, S.D.W. Frost. Assessing commitment and reporting fidelity to a text message-based participatory surveillance system in rural Western Uganda. PLoS ONE. 11(6): e0155971. [download]
Simons, N.D., M.J. Ruiz-Lopez, C.A. Chapman, T.L. Goldberg, J.A. Carl, R.W. Wiseman, P.S. Bohn, D.H. O’Connor, N. Ting. Identification of Major Histocompatibility Complex class I haplotypes using deep sequencing in an endangered Old World monkey. Conservation Genetics Resources. 8(1): 23-26. [download]
Ruiz-Lopez, M.J., C. Barelli, F. Rovero, K. Hodges, C. Roos, W.E. Peterman, N. Ting. A novel landscape genetics approach demonstrates the effects of human disturbance on the Udzungwa red colobus monkey (Procolobus gordonorum). Heredity (cover article). 116: 167-176. UO press release / [download]
Oates J.F. and N. Ting. Conservation consequences of unstable taxonomies: the case of the red colobus monkeys. In A.M. Behie and M.F. Oxnard (eds.). Taxonomic Tapestries: The Threads of Evolutions Behavioural and Conservation Research. Australia National University Press. Canberra, Australia. [download]
Ruiz-Lopez M.J., T.L. Goldberg, C.A. Chapman, P. Omeja, J.H. Jones, W.H. Switzer, P.D. Etter, E.A. Johnson, N. Ting. Identification of SNP markers for the endangered Ugandan red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus tephrosceles) using RAD sequencing. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15(3): 684. [download]
Wikberg E.C., N. Ting, P. Sicotte. Demographic factors are associated with between-group variation in the grooming networks of female colobus (Colobus vellerosus). International Journal of Primatology (cover article). 36(1): 124-142. [download]
Bădescu I., E.C. Wikberg, N. Ting, and P. Sicotte. Female parity, maternal kinship, infant age and sex influence natal attraction and infant handling in a wild colobine (Colobus vellerosus). American Journal of Primatology. 77(4): 376-387. [download]
Paige S.B., S.D.W. Frost, M.A. Gibson, J.H. Jones, A. Shankar, W.H. Switzer, N. Ting, T.L. Goldberg. Beyond bushmeat: animal contact, injury, and zoonotic disease risk in western Uganda. EcoHealth. 11(4): 534-543. [download]
Ghai R.R., N.D. Simons, C.A. Chapman, P.A. Omeja, T.J. Davies, N. Ting, T.L. Goldberg. Hidden population structure and cross-species transmission of whipworms (Trichuris sp.) in humans and non-human primates in Uganda. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 8(10): e3256. [download]
Lauck M., W.H. Switzer, S. Sibley, D. Hyeroba, A. Tumukunde, G. Weny, A. Shankar, J.M. Greene, A.J. Ericsen, H. Zheng, N. Ting, C.A. Chapman, T.C. Friedrich, T.L. Goldberg, D.H. O'Connor. Discovery and full genome characterization of a new SIV lineage infecting red-tailed guenons (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Retrovirology. [download]
Wikberg E.C., N. Ting, P. Sicotte. Familiarity is more important than phenotype similarity in shaping social relationships in a facultative female dispersed primate, Colobus vellerosus. Behavioural Processes. 106: 27-35. [download]
Teichroeb J.A., E.C. Wikberg, N. Ting, P. Sicotte. Factors influencing male affiliation and coalitions in a species with male dispersal and intense male-male competition (Colobus velllerosus). Behaviour. 151(7): 1045-1066. [download]
Wikberg E.C., N. Ting, and P. Sicotte. Kinship and similarity in residency status structure female social networks in black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 153(3): 365-76. [download]
Lauck M., W.H. Switzer, S. Sibley, D. Hyeroba, A. Tumukunde, G. Weny, B. Taylor, A. Shankar, N. Ting, C.A. Chapman, T.C. Friedrich, T.L. Goldberg, D.H. O'Connor. Discovery and full genome characterization of two highly prevalent, novel simian immunodeficiency viruses infecting black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Retrovirology. 10: 107. [download]
Ting N. and K.N. Sterner. Primate molecular phylogenetics in a genomic era. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 66(2): 565-568. [download]
Lauck M., S. Sibley, D. Hyeroba, A. Tumukunde, G. Weny, C.A. Chapman, N. Ting, W.H. Switzer, J.H. Kuhn, T.C. Friedrich, D.H. O'Connor, T.L. Goldberg. Exceptional simian hemorrhagic fever virus diversity in a wild African primate community suggests host restriction and a new classification of arteriviruses. Journal of Virology. 87(1): 688-691. [download]
Wikberg E.C., P. Sicotte, and N. Ting. Between-group variation in female dispersal, kin composition of groups, and proximity patterns in a black-and-white colobus monkey (Colobus vellerosus). PLoS ONE. 7(11): e48740. [download]
Wang X.-P., Yu L., C. Roos, N. Ting, C. Ping, J. Wang, and Y.-P. Zhang. Phylogenetic relationships among the colobine monkeys revisited: new insights from analyses of complete mitochondrial genomes and forty-four nuclear non-coding markers. PLoS ONE. 7(4): e36274. [download]
Ting N, C Astaras, G Hearn, S Honarvar, J Corush, AS Burrell, N Phillips, BJ Morgan, EL Gadsby, RL Raaum, and C Roos. Genetic signatures of a demographic collapse in a large-bodied forest dwelling primate (Mandrillus leucophaeus). Ecology and Evolution (cover article). 2(3): 550-561. MSNBC press / VOA press / [download]
Yu L, X-P Wang, N Ting, and Y-P Zhang. Mitogenomic analysis of Chinese snub-nosed monkeys: Evidence of positive selection in NADH dehydrogenase genes in high-altitude adaptation. Mitochondrion. 11(13): 497-503. [download]
Shekelle M, R Meirer, I Wahyu, Wirdateti, and N Ting. Molecular phylogenetics and chronometrics of Tarsiidae based on 12s mtDNA haplotypes: Evidence for Miocene origins, numerous diversifications within the Sulawesian clade. International Journal of Primatology. 31(6): 1083-1106. [download]
Yu L, X-Y Wang, W Jin, P-T Luan, N Ting, and Y-P Zhang. Adaptive evolution of digestive RNASE1 genes in leaf-eating monkeys revisited: New insights from 10 additional colobines. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27(1): 121-131. [download]
Goldberg TL, DM Sintasath, CA Chapman, KM Cameron, WB Karesh, S Tang, ND Wolfe, IB Rwego, N Ting, and WM Switzer. Co-infection of Ugandan red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus tephrosceles) with novel, divergent Delta-, Lenti- and Spuma- retroviruses. Journal of Virology. 83 (21): 11318-11329. [download]
Ting N. Mitochondrial relationships and divergence dates of the African colobines: Evidence of Miocene origins for the living colobus monkeys. Journal of Human Evolution. 55: 312-325. [download]
Ting N, AJ Tosi, Y-P Zhang, Y Li, and TR Disotell. Phylogenetic incongruence between nuclear and mitochondrial markers in the Asian colobines and the evolution of the langurs and leaf monkeys. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 46: 466-474. [download]
Locatelli S, B Lafay, F Liegeois, N Ting, E Delaporte, and M Peeters. Full molecular characterization of a simian immunodeficiency virus from Temminck’s red colobus (Piliocolobus badius temminckii) from Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia: A species-specific virus distantly related to the L’Hoest lineage. Virology. 376: 90-100. [download]
Whittaker DJ, N Ting, and DJ Melnick. Molecular phylogenetic affinities of the simakobu monkey (Simias concolor). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 39 (3): 887-892. [download]
Hart, J.A., F. Maisels, N. Ting. 2020. Piliocolobus lulindicus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T18262A96192471. [download]
Hart, J., N. Ting, F. Maisels. Piliocolobus foai. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T18252A92659769 [download]
Maisels, F. and N. Ting. Piliocolobus semlikiensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T92657343A92657454. [download]
Struhsaker, T.T. and N. Ting. Piliocolobus tephrosceles. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T18256A92661680. [download]